Dating southern Italian girls as a foreigner


Welcome back to my blog with a new article in English. Today I interviewed a 27 year old Italian girl, coming from the south of the peninsula, who will tell us a little about the situation in Italy and she will explain to us why women from southern Italy could be a solution for a bachelor looking for a European girlfriend.

<<Hi Sabrina, first of all, could you explain to the readers the Italian economic situation, and, in particular, that of southern Italy? >>

 <<Hello everyone. Yes, Italy, as our foreign readers perhaps already know, is the country in the European Union that has stopped growing economically for 15 years now. The demographic balance is negative, the country, at the time of the economic boom, had 63 million inhabitants, but today it has dropped to 58 million. That's 5 million less. This is due mostly to the low birth rate and to the large mass emigration of young people. >>

<<Demographic signals are important. Why are few children born and so many young people emigrate?>>

 <<Well, first of all there is aren't many jobs. Or rather, there is work, but only for very qualified personnel and especially in the North. I come from Puglia, the "heel" of Italy, and work is scarce here. Furthermore, unlike other European countries, Italy does not have a guaranteed minimum salary and, furthermore, there is a lot of illegal work, i.e. without contributions and pensions. It is difficult for people to live, everyone needs a job, but it is not uncommon to find only vacancies as a waitress or call center clerk for less than 5 euros per hour. >>

<<It must be said that in the South the situation is worse than in the North, even if many young people now also emigrate from the North. The infrastructure situation in the South is also bad...>> 

<<Absolutely. The South, without the North, would be a developing country. Infrastructures are poorer in the south and also less widespread. For example, there are many villages without kindergartens or with decadent schools. Healthcare is also better in the North. Even if, on paper, the national wealthy is big and Italy appears, again on paper, to be a wealthy country, this is not so true for the South. In fact, I would say it is false. >>

<<And wealth is not evenly distributed between generations, also. Today it is young Italians who are poor, while the so-called boomers are quite well off. So we have two Italys: one made up of rich northern elders and one made up of very poor young southerners. So could southern Italian women be interested in a foreign husband? >> 

<<Unfortunately this is the situation. Many Italians - now also many women - in fact emigrate in search of opportunities. The Netherlands, London and some Spanish locations are filled up with Italians. >>

<<Let's talk about the mentality of women in Southern Italy. Is the mentality of Southern women still passive, so to speak? >> 

<<Yes, a woman in the South is socially expected not to make the first move, because she would be judged as easy. Many Italian men like to feel like hunters. Furthermore, also in terms of emigration, it is usually the men who go, the women stay home here in Italy. So, to meet southern Italian women, it is better to come here. However they are still traditional girls for the most part. >> 

<<Oh, it's just summer, so it's the perfect season! In Puglia you have a beautiful sea! >>

<<Yes, and the southern woman is a Latin woman, so she loves the sea, the beach and the music very much. But she's also a little Greek and a little Albanian, so to speak. A man should have a somewhat macho approach to break the ice. >>

<<But do southern Italian women trust foreigners? >> 

<<The women of southern Italy have known foreigners, historically, mostly during wars. The soldiers were not there to stay. In Naples, for example, there are many popular songs that talk about women left with a child in their arms after the passage of American or Maghrebi soldiers. So a woman from Southern Italy must feel that you are serious, that you will not abandon her. >>

<<In this regard I must say that I know several mixed couples made up of a woman from southern Italy and a man from Northern and North-Eastern Europe and they work great. I know a well-educated woman from Campania with a degree in economics married to a German man, a woman from Abruzzo who lives with a Dane, but I also know several girls from Abruzzo and Campania who are with Ukrainians, Albanians or Russians. >>

 <<Yes, once that the man has gained her trust and that of her family, a southern woman is a very loyal lady. And furthermore in the South there are actually rural or mountain villages where life and rent are cheap. It's a great adventure for a man who has a remote job, for example,  but also for someone who lives in Italy and has a well-paid job. For men it's simpler. >>


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