Welcome back to my blog. Just yesterday I wrote some thoughts about the passport bros, describing them, I admit, in a very negative way. However, reading again and more deeply their thoughts on the internet, I believe that not all them are bad people.
I noticed that many of them say that they are not typical sex tourists, but men with good intentions, looking for traditional women for marriage outside of the U.S. and the U.K., a woman willing, in case, to be housewife or at least who is able to become a decent and respectful wife of their husband.
Italian miss Lavinia Abate |
Italian Miss Martina Sambucini |
In addition to being a relatively safe country, Italy also offers another advantage to American, English and Western passport bros (even if there are also Russian men who appreciate Italian women): it is the only European country where salaries, in thirty years, did not grow up. Therefore your purchasing power, in Italy, is tripled compared to the U.S.
If your desire is to provide well for a woman and do a great figure, offering her a better life and impressing her hard, you can do it here in the "Boot", while remaining in cultured, safe Europe. No need to go as far as in Asia! This is also a plus if you like white women, of course.
Moreover several former Eastern European countries, such as Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and the Czech Republic, joining the EU have seen a sharp increase in wages in the last years, but in Italy wages are practically the same as they were 30 years ago, and there is a lot of youth unemployment. This makes Italy a fertile land for your mission, while Central-Eastern Europe is mostly over now.
Another reason why southern Italy is better than central-Eastern Europe now: countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic are closer, geographically, to hubs of Western feminist culture such as Sweden or Germany, but southern Italy has remained decidedly more isolated... And backward than these countries.
If you don't believe me, I can tell you the story of Vaiva, a Lithuanian girl who came to live in Italy about 18 years ago. When Vaiva first came to Italy, Lithuania was a very poor country, with average salaries of barely 300 euros. But when she recently returned to Vilnius, thinking that she could buy an apartment with her Italian savings, she discovered that, in recent years, prices in Lithuania have skyrocketed, but wages have also increased. <<Today >> Vaiva said <<Lithuanians are better dressed than Italians and have more expensive cars.>>
A Lithuanian, Polish or Czech girl easily finds a decent job in her homeland, and, moreover, their countries are more feminist than Italy. Just think that in Poland, if a man does not pay alimony to his ex-wife for their children, within a month he either pays or goes to prison, while in Italy many men manage to evade the law and not pay for years and years.
Le italiane fanno cagare come la Meloni
RispondiEliminaChi lo dice, di grazia?
EliminaNon vogliono gli africani in Italia, ma l'Italia è l'Africa!
EliminaFanno cagare le miss italia, sembrano delle marocchine e zingare.
Solo in Italia si venerano le cesse.
Non è vero, le trovo carine, però mi sembrano troppo ragazzette, troppo magre, senza forme. Più che altro mi pare che in Italia si veneri l'anoressia. Preferisco il fisico di una Bellucci o di una Sofia Loren.
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