Italy, new European destination to find a bride

When people think of the foreign bride market, almost none thinks specifically about Italian women. This probably depends on the fact that in Italy there is no well-established tradition in this market.

Yet, in my opinion, Italy offers a lot in terms of women to successful foreigners who want a beautiful and traditional European bride.

I have for long wondered why Italian women are so undervalued in the international bride market and why foreigners think rather of Romanian, Russian or Thai women when they look for a foreign bride, given that Italy is so much close to wealthy western countries. And I gave myself this only answer: many men think that Italy is a rich country and that Italian girls are pretentious, feminist and difficult to impress. But that's not really the case, and I'll explain why this is not true shortly after.

But first of all let's see why to choose an Italian girl.

Let's start with their physical appearance. Everyone knows that European women are very beautiful. Throughout history many emperors of non-European nations came to Europe and took a European bride. “White wives” were a kind of status symbol for the Ottoman, Mongol and Arab emperors, just to mention a few.

Italians can also be blonde, but they have usually brown hair and hazel, brown or even green or blue eyes. They are often thin: Italy, after France, is one of the European countries with the fewest fat people.

Italy is still a very male chauvinistic country, but also a health-conscious one and Italians are very attentive to aesthetics. A young woman who lets herself go and puts on weight will have very little chance of finding a quality husband, rather she will risk to be bullied. Yes, it may sound bad, but it is what it is: no body positivity here, unfortunately for girls.

Even at work a fat and sloppy girl could be disadvantaged compared to a thinner and more attractive peer. For this reason, Italians care about their figure. Italian women are thought to be fat, because Hollywood painted them that way. But Hollywood films are based on old stereotypes of rural nonnas from Sicily from 60 years ago, when there was a shortage of cosmetics and of personal care products.

Today Italian women are much more beautiful than they used to be. They are slimmer, more fashionable and more up to date on makeup and clothes. In short, I really don't see the point in going all the way to Thailand to find a beautiful brunette bride.


I am not naïve and I understand that behind the desire of many men to look for a bride in Thailand or Romania there is the hope of exploiting their greater economic power to impress local girls.

Italy is considered the eighth largest economy in the world and many foreigners think that Italian women are already rich. This nonsense is also supported by many Italian men from high-class environments, such as Milan or the Parioli of Rome, who probably attempt an elite slide of society or meet plain gold-diggers who look specifically for them. More generally, Italian men simply don't want to have their women stolen by foreign men. But it is the same Italian women who, more and more often, are looking for a foreign husband.

Now I'll reveal something to you: Italy has changed a lot lately and for the worse.

Nowadays Italy presents itself as a country with few rich people and many poor people, and young people, especially women, are even poorer or at risk of poverty. Families with kids are almost always poor and single mothers are usually below the poverty treshhold. Italian bloggers now speak openly about "gerontocracy", that is, a country in which all the greatest wealth and power are held by the old (currently over 60/70 years old) people, who occupy the best work positions such as managers and politicians.

Poverty in Italy
Furthermore, Italy is structured as if it were two countries in one. The South is much poorer than the North.

Consider that the average salary of a worker in Trentino (in the map, the yellow area) is more than the double that of a Calabrian worker. Some German and English observers have noted that Southern Italy cannot even be considered a developed place, but rather a developing country. And this is especially true when talking about southern rural realities.

Since Italy was unified over 160 years ago and this huge gap between north and south still remains, the south is now considered "hopeless" by its own inhabitants, which is why almost all young people want to escape abroad. For years I have practically not heard of a young southerner who dreams of staying in his home-land, perhaps only 1 in 10 wants to stay.

In fact, the South is becoming depopulated and almost no more children are being born. But, be careful, the demographic collapse of southern Italy does not depend on the fact that Italian women in central and southern Italy are no longer traditional: the cause is only economic and, above all, occupational. There is no work and many young women, thirty-year-olds women and single mothers feel hopeless.

In reality, Italian culture is very family-oriented and good food and taking care of the home are an important part of it. In a survey, over 90% of Italian women interviewed dream of a family with children and most of them would like at least two children. For example, German and Scandinavian women did not reach such high numbers.

Italy is not the only Southern European country to be in this stagnating economic condition. The introduction of euro currency and the economic crisis of 2008, but also the current post-pandemic crisis, have put also other southern European countries in big distress, such as, for example, Portugal. However, I believe, and not out of chauvinism, that Italian women are more pretty than Portuguese women and, for this reason, I invite you to come to Italy to look for a bride.

But now let's see how to meet a beautiful girl from southern Italy and offer her a future in a more affluent country, such as Holland, Switzerland, Germany or Scandinavia. I mentioned just few countries, but also other countries such as Czech Republic or Austria can be interesting.


Some foreigners complain that many Italian girls are closed to foreigners. I can say that, since we talk more about rural realities, one of the main problems could be the language. Non everybody speaks English in a fluent way and therefore some Italian girls could just be shy with foreigners. But note that you will have the same problem also in Eastern Europe or Thailand. So, it's better to look for girls of a slightly higher cultural level than the avarage. If you use Tinder or other dating apps, I'm sure that if you present yourself as a serious foreigner with serious intentions, you will attract many girls who speak English. Make the first move! We are in a traditional country and girls are taught not to be too brazen to don't be judged as "easy".

You're here because you don't want a feminist, but a traditional girl, so to make an impression, you have to think a bit like your grandfather did: open the door, give flowers and be assertive. YOU are the men, THEY are the women. YOU must be in charge.

It is also true that some other Italian man around her, mostly out of jealousy towards a foreign and charming male, may try to come between you and dissuade your girlfriend from dating you. What to do then? Well, just ignore it and persist.

Experience it lightly, as if you were in a Sicilian novel. In Italy jealousy is not condemned, feelings are accepted as a part of human nature. You can be yourself here, be jealous, be proud or be angry. She will accept it and understand you. Nobody, for example, will blame you if you raised your voice because you were attacked by jealousy. We are not in Northern Europe and people, in this sense, are less judgmental. Also women.

A Swede or even a Russian woman will probably wring your neck if you raise your voice at her because you didn't like something in her behaviour. But Italian women are much more submissive and tolerant. They are more similar to Latina women like Mexican, Argentinian or Colombian women rather than to cold German, Swedish or Russian women. 


  1. Al sud i bravi ragazzi vengono schifati pure dalle cesse.

    Se non hai i tatuaggi, parli in italiano e non ascolti musiche neomelodiche e soprattutto non sei un mezzo arabo é FINITA!

    1. Questo da cosa può dipendere? Io non sono d'accordo comunque, vedo qui da me diversi uomini di aspetto europeo sposati o conviventi e con figli. Credo che sia proprio difficile trovare gente non burina e quindi molte si accontentano oppure sono burine anche loro.

    2. Comunque hai ragione, esistono molte Italie. La società dei Parioli non è come quella di Scampia. Fra i due estremi c'è di tutto e di più.

  2. i finocchi del nord Europa che hanno paura delle donne hahaha!


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